HomeHealth15 minutes of daily walking may create a radical change in your...

15 minutes of daily walking may create a radical change in your body

Most people are fully aware of the fact that regular exercise greatly benefits physical, mental and spiritual health, but somehow are not able to make the effort to include some physical activity in their daily schedule.

Aging is inevitable, but it does matter how much of our life is ​​spent in good health. Regular exercise can extend life for up to 3-7 years, prevents depression, enhances cognitive abilities, fights dementia and much more.

A 15 minute daily walk provides all of the following benefits:

1. Reduces the risk of diabetes

In a study of women it was found that in those who walked for at least 30 minutes a day the risk of diabetes was reduced by 30%.

Walking also helped reduce the amount of abdominal fat, which is also a risk factor in diabetes.

2. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers at the University Of Virginia Health System have studied men aged between 71 and 93 years, and discovered that those who walked more than half a kilometer a day had 50% less risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia compared to those who walked less.

3. Reduces blood pressure

Research has shown that regular moderate intensity walking can prevent high blood pressure.

4. Supports digestion

Tara Aleichem works as a physiotherapist at an oncology center in America. According to her, regular exercise, including walking, stimulates the digestive system and improves bowel movement.

15 minutes of daily walking may create a radical change in your body

5. Reduces pain, increases mobility

Daily walking improves mobility in people with peripheral arterial disease.

6. Improves bone health

People who walk regularly have healthier and stronger teeth, an increased bone density and stronger bones, and are at a much lower risk of developing osteoporosis.

7. Improves brain performance

According to a study, regular exercise up to 15 minutes a day can improve intellectual performance in adults and children.

8. Increases life expectancy

Numerous studies have examined the effect of regular walking on the body, and it has been proven that it results in a longer and healthier life.

9. Improves mood

According to a 2016 study, walking for at least 15-20 minutes a day increases self-confidence, improves attention span and reduces stress.


  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator;
  • Walk to work or school or walk part of the way if it is too far;
  • Go for a walk at lunchtime;
  • Park your car at some distance from your destination;
  • Meet your friends for a walk;
  • Take your dog for longer walks.