Quinces are not only palatable, but they also have medical benefits, for which they are recognised and valued. No matter what way we consume them – raw, cooked, dried or boiled – they retain their beneficial nutrients, and are a valuable ally of our immune system, especially during winter. Also, they improve the digestive and respiratory system and help to get rid of acne. Several pieces of quince added to a vegetable or fruit salad is a stimulant for digestion.
Fresh quinces are a natural remedy for your liver, but also for mental illnesses. For patients in stage of convalescence, quince preparations, such as jam, jelly and syrup, may be great stimulants due to their specific flavor. It is recommended to keep at least two quinces on the table in sick rooms.
Quinces and the immune system
4,000 years ago, quinces were used by Romans and Greeks to strengthen the immune system and to stimulate potency. Our ancestors knew very well why they took certain decisions: quinces are rich in minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium.
In addition to these cordials, these stars of the fall are also renowned for the presence of bioactive substances such as tannin and pectin, and vitamins A, B, C and PP. Tannin, in combination with pectin, maintains the health of the digestive fluids, and the antioxidants in quinces destroy free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.
Another advantage of quinces is that due to their high concentration of potassium they help decreasing vascular pressure.
Experts have attributed quinces 100 beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, softening, tonic and expectorant actions.
A quince eaten in the morning, on an empty stomach, strengthens the gums and helps to mineralize teeth while eliminating toxins from the body and relieving fatigue.
Vitamin C contained in quince juice is a remedy for colds and flu, and it slows the development of micro-organisms that may cause hepatitis.
A glass of quince juice is recommended daily before meals for 30 days for those who suffer from fatigue, respiratory problems, heart diseases or asthenia.
Pectic substances in quinces are essential in reducing cholesterol.

Quince seeds and their therapeutic effects
A quince tart containing the seeds of the fruit can help to cure coughs followed by bloody expectoration, asthma, diarrhea or uterine bleeding.
In cases of tuberculosis, tracheitis, bronchitis and angina pectoris, quince seeds are a proven remedy as well.
Goodbye, anemia!
Quinces stimulate the appetite, and this is why they are recommended for children who are picky eaters or suffer from anemia; in this case, the seeds should be combined with honey, carrots and apples.
In ancient times, women bathed their weak children and sick adults in a decoction of quince, which is a treatment for anemia, very useful in the activation of appetite and physical strength.