Many of us probably believe that an advancing age often would quench one’s passion for dancing – but this is far from true. The dancers in the video prove that if you invest passion and dedication in what you do, the results will prove to be worth the investment!

Charlie Womble and Jackie McGee, dancers by profession, organized many international dance competitions, and now, on the occasion of the Grand National Masters Division, after a 35 year long dance career, they give us an amazing artistic performance.
The dance partners step out on the floor with confidence, and as soon as the music starts, they begin to dance with an enchanting naturalness. It is obvious that they are perfectly joined by their passion for dance, and the emotion they communicate through their dance is indescribable.
The dance steps and pirouettes prove the virtuosity and professionalism of the dancers. Even their age, betrayed by white hairs, can’t limit in any way the incredible joy and expressiveness of their performance.
The exhilarating music further underlines the fantastic talent of the dancers. No wonder that the two were rewarded with standing ovations.