Physical pain is often caused by overwhelming emotions. Various kinds of pain are in fact serious signals to which you should always pay attention and find the cause in your mind and spirit. Pain generally shows you that you should take better care of yourself. Physical healing is incomplete if the emotional healing doesn’t happen as well.
Below we will present seven types of pain that indicate emotional imbalance

Headaches – too much stress
Headaches may be caused by daily stress, and can be a warning signal sent by the body that you need to rest and detach. Headaches also call the attention on an intense interior conflict to which you can’t find a solution. They signal an energy blockage, or warn you that you have to detach from things or people that are toxic for you.

Pain and tension in the throat – inflexibility in thinking
Pain in the throat may signal problems that you have with a certain person who did some harm to you. This kind of pain signals difficulty to forgive and inflexibility in thinking. When you start putting things in perspective, you can understand why others act the way they do, and it becomes possible to forgive and release the past.

Shoulder pain – some emotional burden
Shoulder pain may indicate the fact that you carry a very heavy emotional burden. You should ask yourself whether you took over too many responsibilities. In this case, you should take care of your emotions, work on understanding what troubles you or causes you pain, and try to find constructive solutions to solve these problems. The openness of a friend who wants to listen and help you will relieve the burden and will empower you.

Pain in the upper part of the back – feeling lonely
Sometimes if you feel pain in the upper part of your back it is possible that you feel lonely as you don’t receive enough emotional support from somebody you love. This kind of pain may also indicate the presence of the feelings of not being wanted, or being rejected, inadequate, invisible or hurt. The first step to solve this problem is to try and establish a deeper connection with yourself; in other words to offer yourself the emotional support that others can’t offer because of ignorance, incapacity or carelessness. The second step is to establish deeper connections with those people around you who actually deserve it.
Pain in the lower back – worrying about money
Pain in the lower part of the back may signal worries about financial issues. When you become conscious of such a problem, it is helpful to talk to someone you trust about your fears, and if it is possible try to find a constructive solution together. If you look at the problem from a distance, you manage to relieve the tension in your mind and make place for new opportunities and ideas.

Elbow pain – refusing changes
Elbow pain may signify that you are trying to push back the changes that appear in your life. You may hate compromise and changes because they cause a sense of lack of control over your life circumstances. You might have had great difficulties in life that caused you a lot of emotional pain and trauma, and you don’t wish to take on any more chances and risks. However, the only sure thing in life is change; therefore you need to open yourself to new perspectives, situations and challenges instead of staying closed. Changes and the unknown may have a very positive effect on your life.

Pain in the hips – incapacity to make important decisions
Pain in the area of the hips may indicate that you’re living with unhealed emotional stress. Hips are the area of decision making and moving on. Also, the hips ensure the balance of the body; therefore any pain in this area signals the incapacity to make a clear decision about your future. The internal conflict is present both on emotional and physical level. When you feel such pain, it is time to stop, calm down, look at all aspects of your life and listen to your heart. Every decision that is not lined up with your heart will cause even more discomfort at the emotional level.