Extremely efficient in fighting pounds by stimulating weight loss, accelerating metabolism and eliminating toxins, black tea has been used for a long time in various culinary preparations. This Russian diet presupposes resigning to consuming carbohydrates, especially refined sugar and flours.
Russian nutritionists explained that curbing sugar consumption is necessary because sugar is metabolized quickly by the body and it is deposited as fat.
Those who follow this weight loss diet must consume at least 2 liters of water per day.
You don’t need to worry about being hungry all the time: the diet consists of vegetables, fruit, meat and soups. Here’s an example of what a weekly menu should look like:
Breakfast: 100 g boiled fish, 150 g green salad with carrots and green beans and a cup of black coffee without sugar
Snack: 100 ml fat free milk and an apple
Lunch: vegetable soup, cabbage and carrot salad and a cup of apple juice
Dinner: 100 g boiled fish, two boiled potatoes and a cup of black tea without sugar
Breakfast: cabbage salad with green beans, onions and olive oil, and a cup of black coffee without sugar
Snack: a cup of kefir
Lunch: 100 g beef with 2-3 boiled carrots and a glass of apple juice
Dinner: 100 g boiled or steamed fish, two boiled potatoes and an orange
Breakfast: a boiled egg, a slice of whole-wheat bread and a cup of black coffee without sugar
Snack: 50 g muesli with a cup of yogurt
Lunch: 150 g broiled chicken breast, two apples and an orange
Dinner: green salad with vinaigrette dressing and a glass of apple juice
Breakfast: a cup of yogurt, a slice of whole-wheat bread and six olives
Snack: 200 g fruit salad and black tea
Lunch: 100 g boiled or oven roasted beef, green salad with onions and olive oil
Dinner: vegetable soup and grated carrots

Breakfast: three tablespoons of soft cheese, a slice of whole-wheat bread and a cup of black coffee without sugar
Snack: an apple or an orange, or a glass of apple or orange juice
Lunch: 150 g broiled chicken breast, 150 g cabbage salad and a glass of orange juice
Dinner: 150 g boiled or steamed fish, vegetable soup, 100 g grapes and a cup of green tea
Breakfast: 100 g boiled beef and 150 g cabbage salad
Snack: 100 g ricotta or low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of black coffee without sugar
Lunch: vegetable soup and a slice of whole-wheat bread
Dinner: 100 g boiled or oven roasted beef, 100 g grated sugar beets and a cup of black tea
Breakfast: 100 g oat flakes with a teaspoon of honey and coffee without sugar
Snack: 150 g fruit salad and a cup of orange juice
Lunch: 100 g boiled or steamed fish and 150 g green salad
Dinner: 100 g boiled or oven roasted beef, 2 boiled potatoes and an apple or a glass of apple juice
The Russian diet needs to be followed for two months; besides losing weight, the metabolism will adjust to a healthy and low-calorie daily menu.