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How to lose over 5 pounds in 7 days with the aid of a carrots and grapefruit diet

This grapefruit and carrots diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, improves vision, strengthens the immune system and combats obesity and anemia.

Using this diet for a week will make you lose up to 10 kg. Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, and grapefruit has a high content of vitamins and is effective in preventing diabetes and lowering blood cholesterol.

Although not a scientifically proven fact, it is considered that grapefruit contains a miraculous enzyme that helps burn fat fast.

In addition, when you combine grapefruit with a diet rich in protein, you will further facilitate the process of slimming. Another theory says that this fruit reduces insulin levels and the reaction of the body is to shed off several pounds.

Because it causes rapid weight loss, this cure is recommended by nutritionists only in exceptional cases, and it shouldn’t be used more than once every two years, as metabolism may be damaged.

How to lose over 5 pounds in 7 days with the aid of a carrots and grapefruit diet

Here’s the daily plan you should follow in this diet:

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 1 raw carrot.
Lunch: a portion of boiled chicken breast, 1 grapefruit, 2 large raw carrots.
Dinner: 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit, cooked cereal (oatmeal) with butter and two raw carrots.

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit.
Lunch: 1 raw carrot, an orange, a serving of cooked cereal (oatmeal) with butter.
Dinner: 1 large raw carrot, an orange.

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit.
Lunch: 1 grapefruit, 30 g lean beef (fish or pork), 1 large boiled carrot.
Dinner: 1 grapefruit

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, a serving of salad (2-3 large raw carrots, grated, a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey)
Lunch: carrot salad, 1 grapefruit.
Dinner: carrot salad, 1 grapefruit.

Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 500 ml citrus juice.
Lunch: 1 grapefruit, 500 ml citrus juice.
Dinner: 1 grapefruit, 500 ml citrus juice.

Breakfast: 1 large boiled carrot, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of bread.
Lunch: 2 large boiled carrots, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of bread.
Dinner: 1 large carrot boiled, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of bread.

Breakfast: 1 large raw carrot, 1 grapefruit and 500 ml of carrot juice.
Lunch: 1 raw carrot, a bowl of oatmeal, 1 grapefruit and 500 ml of carrot juice.
Dinner: 1 large raw carrot, 1 grapefruit and 500 ml of carrot juice.

You must note that during this diet it is forbidden to eat salt, spices, alcohol, sweets, fats, fried foods and sugar. Dairy and coffee are also prohibited.
