If you have a pet, you know how important it is to pay attention to his or her diet, and you probably would do anything to ensure your fluff ball’s happiness. A balanced diet is indispensable for shiny hair, bright eyes, and an energetic and playful disposition in your cat.

You can prepare healthy food for your cat at home so you can avoid stuffing him or her with store-bought food full of harmful additives. It is important to pay attention to what your pet needs for healthy and balanced development: this small predator eats birds and rodents and drinks water in a natural environment.
In order to imitate this nutrient-rich diet, cat food needs to contain 25-30% proteins, a minimum of 15-30% fat and 2-3% fiber. This means a proper balance of meat, fish, vegetables, cow’s cheese and even rice in your pet’s daily diet. Also, you need to assure the proper temperature: if you serve food too hot, your cat may not ever try it again.
Cat food has to be pureed; otherwise cats will select and eat only chunkier bits of it which are more suitable to their taste. A 4-5 kg adult cat eats at least 3-4 small meals during a day.
Let’s take a look at three recipes with full nutritional value for cats:
1. 350 grams canned tuna with the juice added, 100 grams boiled rice, 50 grams boiled carrots chopped or grated, ½ teaspoon salt.
2. 300 grams raw ground beef, 100 grams cooked noodles, 1 boiled egg grated, 50 grams boiled mixed vegetables, ½ teaspoon salt.
3. 400 grams cooked chicken with bones, 100 grams rice, 1 teaspoon grated raw apples, ½ teaspoon teats, ½ teaspoon salt.