I love almond milk. I consider it the most delicious of all non-animal origin types of milk. If you want to enjoy the taste of a glass of almond milk, you can make it in your kitchen at any time. The procedure is incredibly simple, and you can adjust the sweetness, the concentration and the flavor just the way you want.

Besides, drinking almond milk has so many benefits – here are some of the attractive properties of this delicious drink:
- It has a lot of proteins
- It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids
- It has a significant amount of fiber, but doesn’t contain too much fat and carbohydrates
- It improves the muscular system
- It is easy to integrate in weight loss diets
- It is ideal for those with lactose intolerance
- It contains essential nutrients including vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, potassium and iron

And to show you how simple it is to prepare it, let’s do it together!
- 1 cup peeled almonds, soaked overnight
- Dates, figs or raisins
- 1 stick vanilla
- 3 cups water
- Agave syrup to taste (can be omitted)

Mix the almonds and the water in a blender. Make sure that the almonds are thoroughly crushed.
Use a strainer or a piece of gauze to strain the liquid. Add the clear almond milk back to the blender, throw in the dried fruit and scrape out the middle of the vanilla stick. Add it to the blender and mix well.

Taste the almond milk. If you would like it sweeter, add some agave syrup to the blender and mix again.
You can drink almond milk for breakfast or as a snack between main meals. Enjoy!