Imani had hardly started singing when she received gestures of huge appreciation. The members of the jury were left speechless, and she was awarded with huge applause. The girl performing in The Voice Kids didn’t sing an easy song either – she sang “The warrior”.

After only a few seconds, the members of the jury turn around one after the other to see who owns that beautiful voice. Imani’s family is standing behind the stage holding their breath and waiting for the results, although they are probably almost sure that the talented girl will gain everybody’s appreciation.
Not even a minute passes when Marco, one of the members of the jury presses the button and turns around and keeps listening to the performance in awe. Not much later the other two members turn around too, so they can take a look at the talented girl.
Imani has a perfect voice quality, so everybody voted with a yes without hesitation, and naturally she went on to the second stage of the competition.
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