If you have pets, you know very well about the daily fight with hair left around. Every single spot is covered in animal hair, and of course you have already resigned wearing black or dark clothes around the house. However, there are some great tricks to get rid of animal hair.

Carpets and rugs
Before using the vacuum cleaner, spread baking soda onto carpets and rugs to help releasing the pieces of hair stuck onto the material, and also to get rid of the unpleasant smell.
Instead of a vacuum cleaner, use an electrostatic mop to pick up animal hair.
Clean furniture surfaces after you have used a vacuum cleaner. Use wet wipes, as these are much more efficient than any other material.
Sheets, beds and textile-covered sofas
In case your pets have a favorite spot on a bed or a sofa, place a lovely blanket where they like to nap. To remove hair from smaller areas, use adhesive paper rolls, and vacuum out sofas and beds.

Before starting the washing machine, add half a cup of white vinegar into the detergent dispenser. Right after the program is over, shake out each piece of clothing.
Don’t forget to brush the hair of your pet daily, or even twice a day. There are some kinds of combs that cut the hair strands, so avoid using combs in general.