Bowen therapy is primarily, a manual technique that can induce deep relaxation of the body; in this state, the body becomes much more resilient and the inner balance is restored so the body can function at its full potential.

The association of Bowen therapy with massage, acupressure or anything of the sort is completely wrong – the basic principles of Bowen’s are completely different. It is fair to say that Tom Bowen invented a highly effective therapy that today bears his name, and I think it would be more correct to say that this brilliant man invented a therapeutic method which is in fact a high-level art of deeply understanding the human body. Only this way we can explain the multitude of the precise procedures, the way how each procedure is executed, the strictness with which practitioners respect the pauses between movements and the level of moderate pressure on the tissues.
Bowen therapy becomes a passion both for those who practice it and for the persons who receive it. It is a great satisfaction for the therapist to reduce the pain in a pleasant way, and for the sick it is very remarkable that the treatment doesn’t involve any discomfort. In fact, a patient once told me that what I am doing is pampering rather than therapy.
Sure, Bowen therapy can’t perform what we would call miracle healing, but in case of chronic problems (i.e. those that don’t require emergency interventions) it can help in very diverse ways. It’s a good choice in case of joint problems such as cervical spondylosis or lumbar discopathy, and it also works in completely different situations, such as, for example, a herniated disc or panic attacks.
It is good to know that the results are faster and more complete if the condition has set in more recently. Unfortunately, most people turn to Bowen as a last resort after they have exhausted all other solutions, and the disease has already turned chronic and the symptoms are worsening.