When some food shows signs of spoiling in your refrigerator, you often may not know if it’s still edible. Can a little mold be harmful? Some people cut off the moldy piece and eat the rest without worries; however, considering that pathogens may be present in moldy food, this it is not always the best solution. It all depends on what kind of food we find the mold on.

The following moldy foods are still OK to eat:
1. Dry salami, dry cured meat products
In case of these foods, mold is natural. However, according to the official advice, the moldy parts should be removed before serving.
2. Hard cheeses made without mold
In case of cheeses where mold is not an integral part of the production process, mold can’t penetrate deep inside the cheese. The moldy part of Parmesan, Pecorino and Cheddar Cheeses should be cut off to half a centimeter depth. When cutting, make sure that the blade doesn’t touch the intact parts of the cheese.
3. Hard cheeses made with mold
For example, about a 2 cm thick layer of mold should be cut off gorgonzola, so it can be eaten.
4. Harder vegetables and fruits
Just as in the case of cheeses, mold doesn’t penetrate deep into harder vegetables and fruit. Moldy spots on cabbage, peppers and carrots should also be cut off 2 centimeter deep.

These moldy foods should be thrown out:
1. Yogurt and sour cream
Mold develops easily on foods with high moisture content, and it is more difficult to notice the thin roots below the surface.
2. Some cheeses
Soft cheeses such as brie, camembert or blue cheese can’t be eaten if they turn moldy. This is also true for goat’s cheese, cottage cheese and cream cheese, as well as sliced cheeses.
3. Jams
Moldy jams may contain mycotoxin, a substance that can cause illness. This is why removing the layer of mold is not sufficient – the whole jar of jam should be discarded.

4. Soft vegetables and fruits
Mold can easily attack cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches and berries, and it can penetrate deep into the flesh of soft vegetables and fruits. As mold spreads very quickly, you should throw out the whole fruit or vegetable as soon as you notice a few moldy spots.
5. Bread and bakery products
Bread and bakery products are porous foods in which the mold gets rooted deeply. If mold penetrates in a small area, no part of the food can be consumed.
6. Leftover cooked food
Cooked food that contains pasta, meat, poultry or grains shouldn’t be eaten once mold appers on it. If you see a spot of mold on the food you’ve refrigerated, don’t even think about eating it!