HomeHobbyHow to make an effective organic fabric softener at home

How to make an effective organic fabric softener at home

If you already know what you need to use for a chemical-free laundry, and you also know how you can make a wash gel, you would definitely be interested in an organic fabric softener as well.

Source: Flickr.com
Source: Flickr.com


• 1 liter plastic bottle

• 100 ml organic apple cider vinegar

• 900 ml water

• 7 drops of orange essential oil

• 6 drops of jasmine essential oil

• 2 drops of tea tree essential oil


Pour the apple cider vinegar into the bottle fill the rest of the bottle with water. Add the essential oils and shake the bottle thoroughly. Essential oils can be skipped of course, or varied according to your taste. If you have allergies, they aren’t recommended. It’s good to know that tea tree oil kills fungus and bacteria often found in socks; lavender oil has a soothing effect, so it can be used on bed linen; anise oil keeps away fleas and ticks, so it can be used on dog and cat blankets.

Thoroughly shake the bottle before each wash.


Pour the softener in the appropriate compartment of the washing machine in the same amount you would use of a store bought softener. The clothes will come out soft and easy to be ironed.

+ Tip: if you put tea tree oil into the softener, it will disinfect your clothes thoroughly to the last stage of the laundering. Tea tree oil disinfects effectively, so it is recommended to be used on clothes after a disease, public bathing or after the holidays.

After the addition of essential oils, the softener won’t smell like there is vinegar in it. By using this softener, you are kind to your clothes, the washing machine and the surroundings, not to mention that if you prepare your softener yourself, you will save a lot of money.

Another recipe


  • 300 ml hot water
  • 150 ml vinegar
  • 100 ml hair conditioner
  • a few drops of essential oil (optional)

Pour the hair conditioner into boiling hot water, and stir, but don’t shake. Add the vinegar. Use the same amount you would use of a conventional softener. If you would like to use it in a clothes dryer, moisten a cloth with your homemade softener and throw it in along with the clothes.
