Everybody who would like to toast the wedding couple at the reception simply should address them with several kind words and give them assurance of their support in the future. However, those who give a speech need to face the fact that they will become the center of attention. Therefore, they should write down their speech very carefully, and maintain the fragile balance between personal remarks and those that make their speech fun and lighthearted.

The bride in the short video below could enjoy such a moment from the part of her brother. The guests had a lot of fun, and the bride was visibly very emotional. The brother made a great effort for his speech to be an important element on the most significant day of the bride and the bridegroom.
One single word, however, made everybody present start crying with laughter. Few speeches pass into the category of ”very good” because of a mistake, but this one sure made it there in our opinion. Watch the video, it’s very funny.