The result of the competition will be announced between September 26 and 29.

In recent years, Tihany has collected many domestic and international acclaims for its beauty, well-kept environment and conscious, sustainable development. Now the Hungarian town has been nominated in a Canadian-based international environmental in the small settlements category.
The organizers from Canada sent a message to entrepreneurs and residents of Tihany to get ready, because the international jury would arrive on June 21. Berta Briggs from Canada and Karin Rindal from the US have appraised the performance of the local government and, in general, of the community of Tihany in areas of cleanliness, protection of the environment, heritage conservation, landscaping, flowers and landscape conservation.

In the competition entitled Communities in Bloom (CiB), Tihany’s opponents will be Usk in Wales, which has won competitions in the UK several times, Birdhill in Ireland, Fogo Island in Canada, and Pomaretto in Italy. From Hungary, Szentes is still in the finals in the category of big cities.
The judges looked at the new investment in the abbey, as well as the lookout and the shore of the local lake. They also visited the Limnology Institute, took a walk in the center of the village, and then went to the abbey, the Borsos Miklós Square and the Mádl Ferenc Square, according to the newspaper Tihanyi Visszhang.

The result of the competition will be announced at the end of September within the framework of a conference entitled “Seeds for the Future” in Strathcona, Canada.