HomeHobbyThe powerful mixture to sprinkle on strawberries to make them much tastier

The powerful mixture to sprinkle on strawberries to make them much tastier

Strawberries are definitely some of everybody’s favorite red fruits. With their lovely, plump shape and tangy taste, they are hard to resist.

It’s no wonder that more and more people are choosing to plant strawberries in their gardens for a bountiful, healthy and tasty harvest. What mixture should you use to feed the plants for an incredible result?

What solution should you sprinkle strawberries with?

Strawberries delight the taste buds of all sweet fruit lovers. Stars of desserts, cakes, tarts and even fresh salads, strawberries contain antioxidants, boost memory and act as an unsuspected anti-aging agent, according to experts.

If you’re lucky enough to be able to grow strawberries in your own garden, you should provide the best conditions to your plants to get a bountiful and healthy harvest.

If your plants grow in favorable conditions, they will bear the first fruits in late spring or early summer.

The secret lies in applying the correct irrigation process. In other words, you have to be very careful how often you water your plants.

For rich and early flowering, gardening experts recommend using a boric acid solution. Mix the solution with water and sprinkle on the the strawberry seeds, so that you will be able to enjoy a fabulous harvest.

To begin, dissolve half a teaspoon of boric acid powder in a cup of hot water. Mix well until the acid particles are completely dissolved.

Then, dilute the solution in ten liters of water. The result will be a nutrient-rich liquid that will stimulate strawberry growth during the flowering period. You can spray the solution on leaves and even flowers.

How often should you water strawberry plants?

Irrigation plays a key role in strawberry cultivation. Therefore, it is important to find the right balance in the plant care process.

As a general rule, experts advise you to ensure that the plants can receive constant moisture throughout the growing season, especially towards ripening time.

Thus, transplanted plants are usually irrigated with sprinklers for at least six weeks to obtain early vegetation. You need to ensure abundant watering, as young roots are very sensitive to drought and salinity.

In other words, maintenance at this stage is essential. Fertilization and irrigation are necessary to promote healthy and fruitful growth. You can replace sprinkler irrigation with a drip system as the season progresses.
