HomeHealthPolenta, an everyday food with multiple health benefits

Polenta, an everyday food with multiple health benefits

Polenta, a traditional dish in several countries, has a multitude of health benefits. Since the time of Columbus, cornmeal has been prized for its healing powers. With a host of astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, corn is a food that contributes to the proper functioning of the body.

Studies have shown that the average lifespan of Native American tribes who ate raw or cooked corn was much longer than that of other communities that did not eat corn.

Corn kernels contain some substances derived from arachidic and palmitic acids, which are important substances for the proper functioning of the body.

Detoxifying. Corn is a good detoxifier of the liver; many studies show that it can remove 80% of toxic substances brought into the body by unhealthy food or even certain drugs.

Specifically, certain substances in corn with detoxifying effect will help the liver to neutralize toxic substates, and in this way they will reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis. This fact is supported by numerous studies which show that in areas where polenta is consumed daily, the incidence of liver disease is 10 times lower.

Cornmeal regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. Regular consumption of polenta leads to the regulation of blood glucose concentration, being a real adjuvant for patients diagnosed with diabetes.

It reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Thus, the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attack is greatly reduced.

It is a good diuretic. Rich in fiber, corn regulates intestinal transit and is a good diuretic that can prevent water retention in the body.

It alleviates hormonal disorders. Eaten often, corn can help relieve hormonal disorders in women, help heal pelvic inflammatory disease quickly and can reduce the undesirable effects of menopause and menstrual pain.

Polenta, an everyday food with multiple health benefits

It increases life expectancy. Consumption of polenta contributes to increased longevity.

It ensures good heart function. Cooked corn also contains potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the muscles and the heart.

It relieves gastritis and ulcers. Replacing bread with polenta reduces acidity and has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

It maintains cognitive abilities for a long time. Cornmeal helps to maintain cognitive abilities and slows down the aging process of the brain due to its high content of thiamine.

It helps in weight loss cures. The carbohydrates in corn do not allow fat deposition and vitamin A, also contained on corn, is a very useful natural antioxidant that helps in weight loss regimes. It can successfully replace bread, especially as corn contains three-quarters fewer calories. Corn is also recommended for persons who struggle with obesity, as it brings a sensation of fullness quickly.

It prevents lung cancer. Corn helps prevent this type of cancer due to its high beta-cryptoxanthin content.

It protects the eyesight. Zeaxanthin contained in corn ensures visual acuity.

It is a natural remedy for sore throats and colds. One of the ancient remedies for treating sore throats and colds had corn as its main ingredient. Moreover, a poultice with warm polenta is helpful in the treatment of bronchitis or flu.
