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Why is it a bad idea to make our bed in the morning?

Many of us are used to making our bed right after getting up in the morning. This simple practice has positive effects on our behavior, as it makes us feel like we are truly awake and ready to start the day. However, scientists claim that this habit is more harmful than good for health.

Why is it a bad idea to make our bed in the morning?
Photo: Pixabay.com

According to a study performed at the Kingston University, when we make our bed in the morning, we trap the dust mites between the sheets, where they can find a perfect environment for feeding and multiplying.

Dust mites feed on dead human skin cells, and they leave behind their excretions, which may cause an allergic reaction. These microscopical insects need humid places and darkness to thrive. If the bed is left unmade, they will be exposed to air and light and will be destroyed.

The leader of the research, Dr. Steven Pretlove, explains why dust mites can’t survive when exposed to fresh air. They can only stay alive if they take water from the atmosphere with the aid of some tiny glands on their bodies. A simple thing such as leaving a bed unmade for a whole day will eliminate humidity from the pillows and sheets, so dust mites will dehydrate and die.

What are in fact dust mites?

Dust mites are microscopical insects related to spiders that live in humid and warm places such as sheets, upholstery and carpets. Persons who are allergic to dust mites may develop rashes and itching, nasal problems, facial pressure, asthma-like reactions and dizziness according to American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

Why is it a bad idea to make our bed in the morning?
Photo: Pixabay.com

Allergy to dust mites is a reaction of the immune system, which tries to fight the secondary effects generated by the feces of dust mites. Some of the many symptoms produced by these insects are dizziness, runny nose, sneezing, postnasal dripping and congestion, asthma, asthmatic reactions such as wheezy breathing, tightness of the airways and difficulty breathing, facial pressure and irritation of the eyes.
