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Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

When you walk in a forest or in a garden, you get the feeling that you are in a different world. Plants are such wonderful living things, and they create an atmosphere of beauty, harmony and peace.

You can take home a piece of nature and use it to make a beautiful platter. The procedure is very simple, and the result will surpass your expectations.

What you will need is a large leaf, a piece of plastic, sand, clay or gypsum and acrylic paint.

The steps

1. Pour sand on a large sheet of plastic.

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

2. Place the leaf on the sheet, using a paper insert.

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

3. Mix the clay or the gypsum with the paint and place the mixture on the leaf. You can also use the clay or the gypsum uncolored, but in this case you will need to paint it when ready and dry.

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

4. Press the leaf well, so it imprints as clearly as possible on the clay.

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

5. Allow it to dry thoroughly. Usually this will take between 12 and 24 hours.

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

6. Remove the leaf from the clay platter. Brush the platter with a soft brush making sure you don’t scratch it.

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

7. The result is a unique platter on which you can serve grapes or other fruits.

Watch the video and follow the instructions for transforming a leaf into a lovely object.

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

Find the largest leaf you can, and use it to make a beautiful platter

Source: YouTube
