Lemon is a very useful and versatile fruit! A simple glass of lemonade provides the necessary daily vitamin C intake. But lemon also helps us to be beautiful. Lemon is the friend of every woman! It is one of the most popular ingredients in face masks due to its skin softening properties. What few women know is that lemon is also excellent in hygiene, as it is a great antiseptic that never should be ignored in daily body care.
Whitens teeth
With the help of another ingredient, baking soda, you can get the perfect smile! You have to prepare a mixture of lemon and baking soda and apply it to your teeth with a cotton swab.
Treats oily skin
If you apply lemon juice every night onto your face and leave it on overnight, you will have beautiful skin!
Lightens hair color
If you’re sick of burning your hair with commercial products when you lighten your hair color, mix lemon juice into your hair conditioner and apply the mixture onto your hair with a comb. Repeat the process once a week.