We can make medicinal honey by adding spices and herbs to good quality honey bought directly from a producer.
Honey has been used as an important medicinal food for thousands of years. Many archaeological discoveries such as the Spanish cave drawings, the Ebers-papyri and fragments from the Old Testament prove the existence of bee keeping, honey collecting and the manifold application of honey, an easy-to-preserve and very valuable food. For example, samples of actual honey have been found in Paestum near Naples among the ruins of a Greek temple. The honey that was found is 2,300 years old, but it is still edible.
Honey contains minerals such as iron, copper, manganese, silica, chlorine, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, aluminum and magnesium. It also contains the vitamins B1, 2, 3, 6 and C, essential oils, enzymes, proteins and inverted sugar (a mixture of glucose and fructose). The darker the honey is, the higher is its mineral content (such as forest, mixed flower and chestnut flower honey). Because honey is absorbed slowly, it doesn’t cause a strain to the body, and it is highly tolerated by children as well. It doesn’t irritate the lining of the digestive system, and it has a mild soothing effect. It is useful in the treatment of anemia, circulatory problems, diseases of the heart, malfunctions of the kidneys, respiratory illnesses, bed-sores and skin injuries. Honey is a very potent natural disinfectant that kills harmful bacterial, viruses and fungi. Because of its strong osmotic effect, it is suitable to heal wounds as well.
Various kinds of honey have various medicinal effects. For example, chestnut flower honey is effective in treating varicose veins and anemia; acacia and canola honey cures stomach acid issues; spruce honey clears the respiratory system; red clove honey stops diarrhea; lime tree flower honey cures common cold; mint honey is effective in cases of intestinal, gall bladder and stomach cramps. Mixed honey has many healing properties combined.
In the summer we are provided with countless kinds of fresh spices and herbs; we can use these to make our own medicinal honey. Make sure, however, to use only honey that comes from reliable beekeepers.
Place the clean herbs at the bottom of clean, tightly closable jars, making sure that there is no water left on the plants. Pour honey over to fill the jars, label the jars and store them in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. After this time, it is recommended to strain the honey, which is a relatively easy task, as soaking herbs will raise the water content of the honey, without diminishing its quality.
Some better-known plants that can be used, along with their medicinal effects
– Lavender flowers: they have a soothing effect; lavender honey can be administered to children before bedtime, mixed in lukewarm milk.
– Elderberry flowers: they are effective against common cold and fever; the honey can be eaten by itself or mixed into tea.
– Ramson (bear garlic) leaves: they improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart; ramson honey can be used to flavor hawthorn tea, which is an excellent heart medication.
– Rosemary: it has an invigorating effect and it raises blood pressure.
– Thyme: it soothes coughing eaten by itself or mixed in tea or milk.
– Violet flowers: it has a very pleasant taste and it is effective in treating sore throat.
– Salvia: an excellent remedy to cure common cold and sore throat.
– Ribwort plantain: it soothes coughing eaten by itself or mixed in tea.
– Sweet cumin: recommended to cure digestive problems.
– Mint: an effective remedy to treat stomach, gall bladder and intestinal cramps.
– Buckthorn berries: they have a very high vitamin C content, which makes buckthorn honey effective in strengthening the immune system and curing common cold.