HomeHobbyNatural colors for dying Easter eggs

Natural colors for dying Easter eggs

If you want to dye your Easter eggs with natural colors, here’s the palette at your disposal.

Brown: comfrey leaves, juniper berries, fennel, black tea. coffee, walnut leaves.

Yellow: chamomile, yarrow, carrots, apple peels, lemon or orange peels, marigold flowers.

Green: rosemary, hyssop, spinach, birch leaves, mint.

Yellow-green: leafy spurge.

Purple: hibiscus flowers and violet flowers.

Blue: red cabbage leaves.

Orange: carrots, white onion peels.

Red: red onion skins, beetroot, St John’s wort, dandelion roots, pomegranate juice, cherries preserved in syrup, raspberries, red peony petals.

Brick red: 3-4 tablespoons of chili or sweet paprika boiled for 30 minutes.

Preparation of the solution

1. Bring the water to a boil; you should use just enough to cover 10 eggs (allow for the drop of water when boiling).

2. Add the substances for a certain color (depending on the grain size, from 2 tablespoons of powders to a handful of grass or peels for each cup of dye).

3. Simmer the water with the herbs until the desired color is reached. The darker the solution, the greater the chances for an intense egg color.

The eggs

1. They should be fresh and preferably white, as the color will be purer.

2. Clean the eggs thoroughly with a soft brush and a solution of water and dishwashing detergent, then rinse with water and vinegar to make it easier for the paint to set.

3. Simmer the eggs for 15-20 minutes in the dye. For a more intense color, put them in the fridge and leave overnight.

4. After drying, polish the eggs with a paper towel dipped in a few drops of oil.
