For thousands of years, Tibetan monasteries were shrouded in mystical magic, and the monks didn’t allow anyone to catch a glimpse of their secrets. According to a legend, this is the place where the “fountain of youth” was kept; no one knew what it was exactly, but it was thought to help the body and soul fight the aging process.
I have been doing these five Tibetan yoga exercises regularly for nearly 3 years now, and the experience is so beneficial for me, that I can fully recommend it.

The First Rite
What it targets
- varicose veins
- osteoporosis
- headache
The expected benefits
The first rite improves circulation, which in turn improves the condition of varicose veins. It strengthens the arms and helps with osteoporosis of the arm bones. It increases the energy flow through the chakras, especially those in the chakras on top of the head, behind the forehead, the chest and the knees. It encourages the recovery of brain cells and the flow of the spinal fluid, thus making thinking clearer and preventing headaches. If you perform the rituals every day, the whole body may start a process of rejuvenation.

The Second Rite
What it targets
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Irregular menstruation, menopause symptoms
- Digestive and intestinal troubles, back pain
- Leg and neck stiffness
The expected benefits
The second rite strengthens the thyroid, the adrenal gland, the kidneys, the digestive tract and the reproductive organs and glands, including the prostate and uterus. It helps regulate irregular menstruation and, in some cases, reduces the symptoms of menopause. It has a positive effect on the digestive system and intestinal problems. It improves blood circulation and respiration, and strengthens the heart muscles, the diaphragm and the lymphatic circulation. The move also strengthens the abdomen, the legs, the arms and the lower back, and reduces tension and pain. It relieves stiffness in the feet and neck. It can help those who suffer from arthritis in the hip and neck and those who suffer from osteoporosis in the legs, hips, neck and pelvis.

The Third Rite
What it targets
- Arthritis
- Weak or irregular menstruation
- Symptoms of menopause
- Digestive problems
- Back and neck pain
- Sinus problems
The expected benefits
Like the second rite, the third rite also has beneficial effects on the thyroid, adrenal gland, kidneys, the whole digestive system, the reproductive organs and glands including the prostate and the uterus. It is suitable for climacteric women, and if menopause is irregular or weak. It strengthens the abdomen and the diaphragm, deepens breathing and relieves lower back and neck tension and pain. It may help to ease sinus problems and joint problems in the neck and the upper back. The rite improves physical and mental well-being.

The Fourth Rite
What it targets
- Arthritis
- Weak or irregular menstruation
- Symptoms of menopause
- Sinus problems
The expected benefits
The fourth rite strengthens the thyroid gland, the digestive system, the reproductive organs and glands including the prostate, the uterus and the blood and lymphatic circulation. It affects positively the abdomen, the cardiac muscle and the diaphragm, and it strengthens the abdomen, thighs, arms and shoulders. If you have sinus problems, you can experience that it also decongests your nose. If you have arthritis in your shoulders, hips and knees, this rite is particularly helpful. The same applies to those who have arthritis in the arm, the legs and the basin. The rite encourages energy production and boosts the immune system and can beneficially affect weak or missed menstrual cycles and menopause symptoms.

The Fifth Rite
What it targets
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Weak or irregular menstruation
- Sinus problems
- Digestive and bowel problems
- Backache
- Stiff neck and legs
The expected benefits
The fifth rite rejuvenates the thyroid, the adrenal gland, the kidneys and the digestive organs, and it improves the functioning of the sexual organs and glands (including the prostate gland and the uterus). It enhances blood and lymphatic circulation, which has a positive effect on the immune system; it also promotes deeper breathing, increases energy and stamina, and speeds up the functioning of the chakras. It strengthens the abdomen, the legs and the arms, eases lower back pain and relieves stiffness in the neck and legs. Similar to the second, third and fourth rite, it is also extremely effective in menopause and irregular menstruation to relieve symptoms. It cleanses the facial and nasal cavities, reduces digestive and bowel problems, helps those who have osteoporosis in the legs and arms, and it can provide relief with arthritis in the hip, back, shoulder, hands and feet.

During the first five weeks, perform each rite only three times a day. For the next nine weeks increase the repetitions by two each week.
If you need to increase the number of repetitions more slowly, you can. It is better to perform the rites in the morning, so the beneficial effects accompany you throughout the day.
Practices unknown to the body should be introduced with caution. Performing the rites may launch a number of physical changes. Initially, the rituals that stimulate circulation may have a very strong detoxifying effect and therefore it is recommended to build up the entire regime gradually.
Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly while performing the rites.