HomeHobbyA clever and simple method for cleaning the microwave oven

A clever and simple method for cleaning the microwave oven

Most of us tend to postpone the cleaning of the microwave oven. After all, when the door is closed, the smell stays in, and nothing looks out of order. But if every time you open the door you realize that cleaning is overdue, here’s a simple method to get over this unpleasant chore in a few minutes. You won’t need to use a variety of cleaners or scrub the grease.

What you will need:

  • 1 cup of vinegar
  • 1 cup of water

1. Mix the vinegar and water in a bowl. Put the bowl in the microwave and place in it a non-metallic device such as a wooden spoon. This ensures that the mixture won’t overheat and boil up.

2. Turn on the microwave for 5 to 10 minutes. When the time has expired, take out the bowl carefully – it will be hot.

3. Grab a sponge or a towel and simply wipe the inside of the microwave. The steam released from the mixture of water and vinegar has already dissolved the impurities, so you have nothing else to do but collecting them.

A clever and simple method for cleaning the microwave oven
Photo: ONEjive.com

Bonus tip

If your microwave is made from stainless steel, you can clean the outside surfaces with a microfiber cloth and some alcohol. Sprinkle the alcohol from a spray bottle onto the metallic surfaces and wipe off with the cloth. Your microwave will be not only clean but spotlessly shiny too!
