HomeFood3 Quick Meatball Recipes

3 Quick Meatball Recipes

Each of the following recipes is is very fast to make, and the resulting meatballs are very tasty hot or cold. You can use your own sauces depending on your taste to create even more intense flavors.

Below, you will find three delicious meatball recipes.

3 Quick Meatball Recipes

Ham meatballs

Chop up 250 g ham and 2 bread rolls and pour over 30 g hot lard. Mix 60 g flour with 4 egg yolks, 250 ml milk, a little salt and finely chopped parsley. Mix everything together and allow the mixture to rest for half an hour. Shape the meatballs, cook in salty water and roll into breadcrumbs sautéed in butter.

3 Quick Meatball Recipes

Cheese meatballs

Mix 300 g breadcrumbs and 250 g grated cheese with a small amount of salt, 150 g butter and 5 egg yolks, and shape the meatballs with your hands dipped in flour. Roll the meatballs into egg yolk and breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.

3 Quick Meatball Recipes

Meatballs from leftover meat

Mince leftover boiled or roasted meat and sauté with grated onions and parsley on bacon lard. For 250 g meat, soak 2 bread rolls in milk, squeeze out and mix with the sautéed meat and a whole egg. When the mixture is completely cooled, add two more eggs, salt and pepper. Shape the meatballs and cook them in meat or bone soup stock or fry in hot oil or lard.

3 Quick Meatball Recipes

